Devotion for women and teens

Perf Imperf-letters through lines

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it.”

Psalm 139:14 NLT


I know there are many pressures on you today. You have pressures to wear the latest fashion. You have pressures to maintain the perfect body size. A friend at any given moment may reject you just because he or she doesn’t think you are a good fit anymore. Some of you feel unloved and unloveable.

You may feel imperfect, but God made you perfectly imperfect. He designed you with your own set of flaws and talents. You are wonderfully complex (Psalm 139:14). Embrace who you are. Know your identity and that God created your uniqueness for a purpose.

God works through all situations to fulfill His purpose (Romans 8:28). He has a plan for you despite your insecurities, imperfections, and self-doubt. When you make mistakes or life gets difficult, remember to practice living your life with the mindset that God is in control and working things out for you.

Shake off the fear that you are not good enough and get out there with your perfectly imperfect self. Step in faith. Place one foot in front of the other. Trust God, and know that he is working things out for you, especially in the hard places.

Your life won’t be perfect, but it will be real and wonderfully complex. How could it not be? You are God’s artwork.

Lagniappe: I know you are busy, but I want you to go and check out Nick Vujicic. He was a man born without arms and legs. He loathed himself and was bullied. But God used His physical imperfections and His testimony to spread the word of God and hope to others. God has plans for you. He will use your imperfections for His good purpose in your life.  What imperfections and gifts do you have that God can use to bless others?

